Monday, March 24, 2014

My New Etsy Shop is Now Open for Business!

One of the questions I get most on this blog is people emailing me, wanting to know how they can buy one of my miniature sculpture jewelry necklaces. Well here is your chance! I've just opened an Etsy store where I currently have a few of my items up for sale. New items will become available as I finish them. Check it out by clicking the link below.

Here are pictures of some of the items currently up for sale. Click the link to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. Great decision on opening up an etsy shop. Purchases over etsy are a cinch and I'm sure that your products will be top sellers! I think your products combine a certain elegance with cute motifs, which are very unique. Keep on making such wonderful works of art!

    Clint Shaff @ Franchise Match
